Important Dates
Notification Date | 14 Jun 2019 |
Last Date for Submission of Application Form | 13 Jul 2019 05:00 PM |
Display of list of eligible candidates | 20 Jul 2019 |
Exam Date | 27 Jul 2019 |
Interview/Presentation | 28 Jul 2019 |
Display of provisional list of selected candidates | To be notified later |
Reporting date for admission/ registration and deposition of Fee | To be notified later |
Commencement of regular classes | To be notified later |
Application Fee
Gen/ OBC | ₹1000 |
SC/ ST/ PH candidates | ₹500 |
Pay the Examination Fee through a crossed demand draft drawn in favour of Director, National Institute of Technology Delhi payable at Delhi.
Ph.D. in Relevant Engineering: Master’s Degree in Engineering/ Technology or equivalent in the relevant area of research along with Bachelor’s Degree in appropriate branch of Engineering/ Technology or equivalent with a first class or equivalent Grade Point at Master’s and/ or Bachelor’s level.
Ph.D. in Sciences/ Humanities/ Management: Master’s Degree in appropriate branch of Science/Humanities/ Social Sciences/ Management or equivalent with a first class or equivalent Grade Point. The candidate must also have a valid GATE score or NET certificate.
Ph.D. in Cognitive Engineering/ Science Specializations: Master’s Degree in Engineering /Science/ Technology or equivalent in the following cognitive areas of research along with Bachelor’s Degree in branch of Engineering/ Science/ Technology or equivalent with a first class or minimum 60% marks or equivalent Grade Point at Master’s and/ or Bachelor’s level.
How to Apply
Eligible candidates may send their application in prescribed format (attached below) through proper channel to The Registrar, National Institute of Technology Delhi, Sector A-7, Institutional Area, IAMR Campus, Narela, Delhi - 110040 on or before 13 Jul 2019 05:00 PM, along with self-attested Photostat copies of the relevant certificates/ testimonials/ documents. The envelope must be super scripted as “Application For Admission to PhD Programme (Full Time / Sponsored) in the Department of _________________under the student Category _______________________”