TSPSC Civil Assistant Surgeon Telanagana Recruitment 2017 - A job notification for 205 Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist Vacancies in Hyderabad, Telanagana on Permanent Basis. Online Applications are invited by Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) on or before 15 Sep 2017 for 205 vacancies.
The job applications for TSPSC Jobs 2017 will be accepted as per the attached application format before 23 Sep 2017.

Alert / Updates

Total Vacancies: 205

Important Dates

Start Date
Last Date

Application Fee

Each applicant must pay ₹ 200 towards Online Application Processing Fee. This apart, the applicants have to pay ₹ 120 towards Examination Fee.
However, the following category of candidates belonging to Telangana State only are exempted from payment of Examination fee.
a) SC, ST, BC & PH.
b) Unemployed applicants in the age group of 18 to 44 years (They have to submit declaration at an appropriate time to the Commission that they are unemployed).
N.B.:- BC’s, SC’s and ST’s belonging to other states are not exempted from payment of Application processing Fee and Examination Fee and they are not entitled for any kind of reservation.
Mode of Payment of Fee: The Fee to be paid online through SBI ePay.

Age Limit

18 - 44 years as on 01.07.2017

Age Relaxation:
1. Retrenched temporary employees in the State Census Department with a minimum service of 6 months. - 3 Years
2. Telangana State Government Employees (Employees of TSRTC, Corporations, Municipalities etc. are not eligible). - 5 Years based on the length of regular service.
3. Ex-Service men - 3 years & length of service rendered in the armed forces.
4. N.C.C.(who have worked as Instructor in N.C.C.) - 3 Years & length of service rendered in the N.C.C.
5. SC/ST and BCs - 5 Years
6. Physically Handicapped persons - 10 Years


Must possess Post Graduate Degree/ Diploma examination or its equivalent in the concerned specialty form a College recognized by the Medical Council of India. Must be registered on permanent basis, with Telangana State Medical Council.

Pay Scale

₹ 40270 - ₹ 93270

Vacancy Details

1. Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist (Obstetrics & Gynecology) In Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad - 41 Posts
2. Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist (Pediatrics) In Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad - 27 Posts
3. Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist (Anesthesia) In Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad - 39 Posts
4. Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist (Orthopedics) In Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad - 05 Posts
5. Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist (ENT) In Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad - 20 Posts
6. Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist (Dermatology) In Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad - 01 Post
7. Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist (Pathology) In Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad - 16 Posts
8. Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist (General Medicine) In Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad - 34 Posts
9. Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist (Psychiatric) In Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad - 03 Posts
10. Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist (Radiology) In Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad - 03 Posts
11. Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist (General Surgery) In Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad -16 Posts
Total - 205 Posts

Centres for the Written Examination:
The Examination will be held at HYDERABAD (including HMDA Jurisdiction) only or as may be decided by the Commission.

Important Dates:
i. Submission of ONLINE applications from Dt. 22/08/2017
ii. Last date for submission of ONLINE applications Dt. 15/09/2017 (Extended till September 23, 2017)
iii. Hall Tickets can be downloaded 07 days before commencement of Examination.

Selection Process

The selection of candidates for appointment to the posts will be Made in two successive stages viz.,
i) Examination (objective type) by Online / OMR based.
ii) Oral Test in the shape of Interview (only for those qualified as per rules).
The final selection of these posts will be based on the examination Either online or OMR based and interview marks put together.

How to Apply

Eligible candidates may apply online at TSPSC website http://www.tspsc.gov.in from August 22, 2017 to September 15, 2017 (Extended till September 23, 2017)

The following certificates must be kept ready by the candidates for the purpose of verification and also at the time of making Online application.
i). Aadhar card.
ii). Proof of Educational Qualifications.
iii). Date of Birth Certificate / S.S.C
iv). School Study Certificate
v). Declaration by the Unemployed (For claiming examination fee exemption)
vi). No Objection Certificate from Employer (if anywhere employed)
vii). Proof of Registration on permanent basis with Telangana State Medical Council

TSPSC Civil Assistant Surgeon (Specialist) Result 2018 - FAQs

How many vacancies are there for Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist Vacancies ?

There are currently 205 vacancies for Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist Vacancies

What is the Age Limit for Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist Vacancies ?

18 - 44 years as on 01.07.2017

Age Relaxation:
1. Retrenched temporary employees in the State Census Department with a minimum service of 6 months. - 3 Years
2. Telangana State Government Employees (Employees of TSRTC, Corporations, Municipalities etc. are not eligible). - 5 Years based on the length of regular service.
3. Ex-Service men - 3 years & length of service rendered in the armed forces.
4. N.C.C.(who have worked as Instructor in N.C.C.) - 3 Years & length of service rendered in the N.C.C.
5. SC/ST and BCs - 5 Years
6. Physically Handicapped persons - 10 Years

What is the Application Fee for Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist Vacancies ?

Each applicant must pay ₹ 200 towards Online Application Processing Fee. This apart, the applicants have to pay ₹ 120 towards Examination Fee.
However, the following category of candidates belonging to Telangana State only are exempted from payment of Examination fee.
a) SC, ST, BC & PH.
b) Unemployed applicants in the age group of 18 to 44 years (They have to submit declaration at an appropriate time to the Commission that they are unemployed).
N.B.:- BC’s, SC’s and ST’s belonging to other states are not exempted from payment of Application processing Fee and Examination Fee and they are not entitled for any kind of reservation.
Mode of Payment of Fee: The Fee to be paid online through SBI ePay.

What is the Pay Scale for Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist Vacancies ?

₹ 40270 - ₹ 93270

After when I can apply for this job for posts of Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist Vacancies ?

Application Start Date: 22 Aug 2017

When is the Last Date for applying for this job ?

Application Last Date: 23 Sep 2017

What is the selection process for Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist Vacancies ?

Selection process for Civil Assistant Surgeon Specialist Vacancies in Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) :

The selection of candidates for appointment to the posts will be Made in two successive stages viz.,
i) Examination (objective type) by Online / OMR based.
ii) Oral Test in the shape of Interview (only for those qualified as per rules).
The final selection of these posts will be based on the examination Either online or OMR based and interview marks put together.

How can I apply for this job?

Eligible candidates may apply online at TSPSC website http://www.tspsc.gov.in from August 22, 2017 to September 15, 2017 (Extended till September 23, 2017)

The following certificates must be kept ready by the candidates for the purpose of verification and also at the time of making Online application.
i). Aadhar card.
ii). Proof of Educational Qualifications.
iii). Date of Birth Certificate / S.S.C
iv). School Study Certificate
v). Declaration by the Unemployed (For claiming examination fee exemption)
vi). No Objection Certificate from Employer (if anywhere employed)
vii). Proof of Registration on permanent basis with Telangana State Medical Council