Central Govt Jobs on 24.03.2025 | A list of latest Central Sarkari Naukri job notifications & online forms.


Latest announcements regarding Sarkari Naukri in the Central Government are available below. We've curated "Central Govt Jobs 2025" collection/list containing latest recruitment notifications published by the Central Government. It has various job notifications containing vacancies in Central Government.

To Apply for these vacancies, browse through below list of notifications and get details of the recruitment you're interested in.

Central Government - Organizations

Central Govt Jobs 2020 - Latest Recruitment notifications to apply for following vacancies in Central Government. The list contains various new jobs announced by Central Government's various organizations such as Central Police, SSC, UPSC, Central PSUs, Education Department, Home Ministry, Defence Ministry, and various other Ministries, Health Departments, NHM, RSMA, Research Institutes, Various Central Schemes, Railway, Banks and many other Central Government departments.

Govt Jobs in Central Government - FAQs

How many job vacancies are there in Central Government ?

As of now there are 0 active job vacancies in the Central Government state.

Is the Central Government Govt Jobs page on 9curry updated daily?

Yes, Central Government Govt Jobs page in 9curry gets updated on a daily basis. Jobs seekers can get latest govt job notifications for all the latest openings in various government organizations. Job seekers can view the latest jobs which are updated on the Central Government Govt Jobs page instantly.

What details can I find on Central Government govt jobs page on 9curry?

You can find all the important details like govt organization name that has job vacancies, salary, eligibility criteria, start and last date for the online application and much more.

When do we publish the notifications on 9curry?

We publish the job notifications after the govt organization announces a recruitment notice and, we try to publish it on 9curry as soon as possible.

How can I apply online for Central Government govt jobs?

You can apply online by browsing the list given on this page. Then you click the recruitment notice you want to apply for. Clicking upon the link you will see the complete notification. On the notification page, you will find the apply online link. By clicking on that link you can apply online for the concerned recruitment.